Model - IH
Industrial Hose Pump

Positive displacement pump that creates pumping action by alternatively compressing & relaxing hose between pump housing and compressing rollers
Operating Data
- Pump Sizes: Up to 125 mm
- Capacity: Up to 65m3/hr
- Pressure: Up to 10 bars
- Temperature: Up to +90 Degree C
- Waste water treatment: Pumping of calcium oxide, sodium chloride, ferric & other waste fluids
- Chemical: All kinds of acids and alkaline fluids
- Paint making: Transport of dispersant additions, pigments, latex, and finished paints
- Brewage: Pumping of yeast, flocculants and stabilizers
- Printing & packing: Delivery of inks, printing inks, paints and glue
- Food & beverages: Pumping of edible oil, alcoholic beverages and dairy delivery, transporting of flour mud, meat mud, spices and additives
- Paper making: Transportation of pigments, pulp and various additives
- Oil exploration & mining: Delivery of sludge, slurry and metal leaching fluids
- Ceramic & glass making: raw material delivery
- Building & construction: Pumping of cement, concrete, paint and foaming agents
- Lithium battery making: Pumping of cathode material and slurry
- Textiles: Delivery of fiber, fuel and acids
- Solar panel making: Feeding of silicon material